Tourist Development Plan

The “SDAT 2030” Tourist Development Master Plan is a new instrument which reflects the will of the state to enhance the natural, cultural and historical potential of the country and to put it at the service of the tourism development of Algeria in order to to raise it to the rank of destination of excellence in the Euro-Mediterranean region. The SDAT is a reference tool for a coherent and sustainable development of tourism in Algeria, it constitutes the reference framework of the strategy for the revival and development of tourism in Algeria by 2030 through the three major stages:

Short term (2015);

– A medium term (2020);

– In the long term (2030).

SDAT objectives:

Make tourism one of the engines of economic growth.

Promote an alternative economy and substitute for hydrocarbons.

Organize the tourist offer towards the national market.

Give Algeria an international tourist stature and make it a flagship destination of excellence in the Mediterranean basin.

Pulse other economic sectors through a ripple effect.

Pulse other economic sectors through a ripple effect.

Combine tourism promotion and environment.

promote the historical, cultural and religious heritage.

Sustainably improve the image of Algeria.

The five (05) dynamics of SDAT:

DYNAMIC N ° 01: BOUMERDES tourist destination;

– DYNAMIC N ° 02: Poles of tourism excellence (POT);

– DYNAMIC N ° 03: The tourism quality plan (PQT);

– DYNAMIC N ° 04: Public – private partnership (PPP);

– DYNAMIC N ° 05: The Tourism Financing Plan (PFT).

The tourism development strategy of the wilaya of Boumerdes:

In accordance with the five (05) dynamics of the national SDAT, and to respond to these strategic orientations, the tourism strategy adopted by the SDAT of the wilaya of Boumerdes, is based on 26 identified axes:

In accordance with the five (05) dynamics of the national SDAT, and to respond to these strategic orientations, the tourism strategy adopted by the SDAT of the wilaya of Boumerdes, is based on 26 identified axes:

  • Promotion of the destination.
  • Establish a policy for the preservation and tourism of the cultural heritage.
  • Conservation and protection of the ecosystem.
  • Make Boumerdes a region for everyone.
  • Sports activities, essential for tourism development.
  • The spread of tourist activities throughout the year.
  • Control of urbanization as an essential condition for the sustainability of the destination.
  • Promote transport.
  • The tourist poles of the wilaya.
  • Pôle-Est: Green tourism as the main vocation.
  • Pole-Center: Cultural tourism, nature tourism as main vocations.
  • Pôle-Sud: rural tourism as the main vocation.
  • Develop and promote tourist circuits
  • Diversify forms of tourism in the wilaya of Boumerdes
  • Encourage and promote investment particularly in tourist areas.
  • Upgrading reception infrastructure “Improving the provision of services “The increase in reception capacities and the diversification of forms of accommodation
  • Promote the tourism and leisure professions through communication and training
  • Promotion and development of employment in tourism
  • Ensure the quality of the services offered in quality catering.
  • Integration of ICT in the development of tourism in Boumerdes
  • Contribution to strengthening sustainable food security. Improving environmental performance (integrated management of water resources, wastewater, waste and energy management).
  • Strengthening of the institutional framework.
  • Intersectoral synergies.
  • The tourism financing plan for the wilaya of Boumerdes by 2030.
The challenges of tourism development in the state of Boumerdes:

Challenge 1: Focus on investing in the beach tourism sector.

Challenge 2: Enhancement and upgrading of agricultural products.

Challenge 3: Protect and enhance forest ecosystems.

Challenge 4: Protection and preservation of historic sites, as part of sustainable tourism development.

Challenge 5: Use university and professional training as promising elements. Challenge 6: Different industries for sustainable business tourism.

Challenge 7: Support crafts and traditional products.

Challenge 8: Promote fishing and water resources.

Issue 9: Development and qualitative and quantitative improvement of tourist structures.

Challenge 10: Create new jobs to make local development a reality.

Issue 11: Significant water resources and untapped natural resources.

Challenge 12: Take into account natural risks in order to avoid their dangers.

Development plan, planning strategy and outlook:

Based on the results of the strategic and prospective diagnosis and the various issues, several tourism development scenarios for the wilaya have been proposed. The fourth scenario “Diversification of forms and tourism products” was retained, which will be translated into a viable action plan, such as a roadmap, for the development and promotion of tourism in the state of Boumerdes.

This strategic equation seems relevant to move towards the diversification of the tourist offer capable of triggering the emergence of tourism projects, integrating the themes of multi-seasonality, thermal, cultural and religious tourism, social, sports, business, memory, leisure and nature (rural, mountain, fishing, hiking …).

Roadmap: implementation of SDAT.W-Boumerdes.

– Promotion of the destination (03 actions).

– Promote leisure facilities (01 action)

– Increase in reception capacity and diversification of forms of accommodation (06 actions)

– Cultural tourism (05 actions)

– Religious tourism (04 actions)

– Ecotourism / nature and hunting tourism (21 actions)

– Mountain tourism, climatic tourism and sports tourism (07 actions)

– Memory tourism (06 actions)

– Rural tourism (08 actions)

– Fishing tourism (03 actions)

– Develop and promote tourist circuits (05 actions)

– Encourage and promote investment (03 actions)