Our Wilaya

Wilaya of Boumerdes
General presentation

Boumerdès is a coastal town in central Algeria, located in Lower Kabylia, with an area of ​​1,456.16 km2 with 100 km of coastline from Cape Boudouaou El Bahri in the west, to the eastern limit of the commune of Afir.

Boumerdès is located 45 km east of the capital Algiers, 52 km west of Tizi Ouzou, 25 km north of Bouira.


Rocher Noir, the original village of the commune of Boumerdès.

At the end of March 1962, during the transitional period (passage from French sovereignty to Algerian sovereignty), the Provisional Executive chaired by Abderrahmane Fares moved to Rocher Noir. This sometimes applies to the locality to be designated as the political and administrative capital of Algeria.

The commune of Rocher Noir was created by bringing together those of Bellefontaine and Corso, the first mayor of Boumerdès from 1962 to 1968 was the late Baba-aissa Slimane5. In December 1967 and following the new administrative division, Rocher Noir was incorporated into the municipality of Thniet Beni Aïcha6.

In 1964, Boumerdès became a university town of African influence. The city was the seat of the African Center for Hydrocarbons and Textiles (CAHT) in 1964. In 1973, the CAHT was transformed into two schools of engineers and senior technicians: National Institute of Hydrocarbons and Chemistry (INH) , National Institute of Light Industries (INIL). National Institute of Manufacturing Industries (INIM).

Other schools have since emerged, including the National Institute of Mechanical Engineering (INGM) in 1975, the Algerian Institute of Petroleum (IAP) in 1974 after its move from Dar el-Beida, the National Institute of Productivity and Industrial Development (INPED) in 1967, and the National Institute of Electricity and Electronics (INELEC) in 1977. Since 1996, these engineering schools have been placed under university supervision to subsequently give the M’Hamed Bougara University of Boumerdès (UMBB), with the exception of the IAP which is transformed into a center for improvement and specialization in energy whose status is that of a company.

The wilaya of Boumerdes was hit on May 21, 2003 by the Boumerdes earthquake, the most violent in Algeria since the El Asnam earthquake in 1980.

Daily life in Boumerdès

Boumerdès includes beautiful beaches which extend to the city of Fadè de Boumerdès where a large part of the teachers of the University of Boumerdès are housed.

Area of ​​Boumerdes is: 1,456.16 km²